Chrysten Gregory’s CTE Public Safety & Protective Services students have the unique opportunity to experience what a career in law enforcement is like.

Her public safety background coupled with her inner drive for motivating students mean her students can practice real-world techniques with a trained professional and while simulating a variety of common situations.

During one recent class, Chrysten demonstrated the proper technique of "Pressure Point Control Tactics" with Mason County Central students Sereniti Johnson and Nyvaeh Wendt, focusing on the control of a subject by using Pressure Point Control Tactics.

This "use of force" technique does not cause injury to an uncooperative subject but utilizes pain to gain compliance. It's an important skill for law enforcement, court security, and corrections professionals to know.

All students receive the demonstration and have the opportunity to participate in learning the real-life techniques.

Ivan Fessenden of Shelby High School acted as an armed subject and Chrysten showed the class how to deflect the gun away and apply strike pressure to the super scapular stun nerve of a subject to get them to drop the weapon.

 Adrian Felix of Hart High School practiced basic defensive tactics training, which emphasizes specific strike points to protect yourself while gaining compliance of a subject during a law enforcement interaction.

The class also had the opportunity to learn about fingerprinting up close and personal. Darice Mosley and Eian Sawdy, both from Hart High School, practiced how to lift prints from a bottle using fingerprinting powder.

“What makes this training memorable for students is that they choose their CTE program, so they're learning skills that are of interest to them,” said Chrysten. “Their high interest carries forward into high retention.”

She knows her students well and is committed to their success. Her dedication to the field of public safety and protective services is contagious.

Chrysten's CTE Public Safety & Protective Services students benefit from her seasoned hands-on instruction.

Even if they choose not to pursue a future career in public safety, students learn how the criminal justice system works.