Administrative Services
Educational Services & Programs
Reports & Communication
It is an honor to serve students, staff, schools, and the regional community as the Superintendent of the West Shore Educational Service District. As an educational service agency we provide leadership and support to our constituent school districts in Lake, Oceana and Mason counties:
Baldwin Community Schools
Gateway to Success Academy
Hart Public Schools
Ludington Area Schools
Pentwater Public Schools
Mason County Central Schools
Mason County Eastern Schools
Shelby Public Schools
Walkerville Public Schools
We take pride in collaborating with local school districts, post-secondary education partners, the department of education, business and community groups to advance student performance and leverage limited resources through:
support for teaching and learning
specialized student services
shared operational services
school improvement initiatives
Our staff in Career and Technical Education, Instructional Services, Special Education, Business Services, Human Resources, Transportation, and the Educational Technology Association work in collaboration with educational and community partners in pursuit of our vision – success for all students. You are welcome to contact me for more information about West Shore ESD. Have a great day!
Dr. Jason Jeffrey, Superintendent