Technology & Data Services
ETA (Educational Technology Association)
In July of 2015 the West Shore ESD merged technology services with the Wexford-Missaukee ISD to form the Educational Technology Association (ETA). The resulting new entity has grown and now provides full technology and core data systems support for four ISDs and fourteen local districts along with ISD/ESD level support for all districts in the service area. For more information on the ETA technology cooperative visit
It is the mission of the ETA to improve teaching and learning.
It is the vision of the ETA to be an essential partner with local school districts in the enhancement of student achievement.
To support and enhance leadership capacity at all levels
To support a paradigm shift from teacher-directed to student-centered learning
To empower local school districts to improve teaching and learning by leveraging data and technology resources
To develop and implement programs that ensure all local school district children enter kindergarten ready to succeed
To develop and implement programs that ensure local school district students graduate ready to pursue college and careers
The basic philosophy of the ETA is to empower educators and learners at all levels to improve learning by whatever means is effective to them.
In an effort to support the Mission, Vision and Goals of the ETA, the philosophy described above guides the work of the ETA. As such the work of the ETA is focused in three areas, Leadership, Infrastructure, and Data.
Leadership efforts focus on creating an environment that supports positive change focused on curriculum, assessment and instruction. Pursuing grants, cultivating collaborative relationships and programs and working to influence and leverage regional, state and national efforts are all examples of this work.
Infrastructure efforts provide the foundation for technology operations. These include network, internet, email, voice/phone, security, operating systems, productivity and creative software and collaborative connectivity and support.
Data efforts focus on streamlining educational data processes at all levels. From data entry, to common data systems, to collaborative deployment and support in areas including but not limited to student information systems, data warehousing, special education, food service, assessment, longitudinal data systems, and school improvement systems.
Josh Hayes has been the Director of ETA at the West Shore ESD for the past six years. As a youngster, Josh was fascinated by technology. He loves that the field is always changing - no day is ever the same! Josh’s career has always been in technology, so he enjoys doing what it takes to stay current.
Josh’s favorite part about working at the West Shore ESD is the people. He loves being around positive people and providing instruction on the technology they work with. He sees technology as being an integral part of Success for All Students, so he strives to ensure that the technology works properly for everyone. He feels accomplished seeing teachers using hardware and software to teach productively and assist students in finding success in their academics.
Josh recently picked up triathlons (he's completed 2 this year!), and loves being outside. He’s proud to continue his family’s tradition of working in education - following his dad’s path as a high school principal and his wife’s career as an elementary school principal. Like everyone, he’s looking forward to having students back in school, and is hoping for a sense of normalcy.

ETA Director
Josh Hayes
ETA Instructional Consultant
Chad Riffle
ETA Computer Technician
Lorenzo Rodriguez
Adrien Towner
Jasmine Schmitt