Students at the fall dance

On November 10th, the ESD's Jr./Sr. High Center-Based Programs held their annual fall dance in the cafeteria at Hart High School.

Three ESD staff members planned and coordinated the event; Special Education Teacher Mia Altland and paraprofessionals Kim Scofield and Jeannie Miskosky.

About 45 students attended and plenty of staff were on hand to join in the fun. 

Aside from dancing, students were able to participate in Giant Uno, Giant Connect 4, temporary tattoos, and coloring.

To add to the excitement, a fire alarm was accidentally pulled at the end, providing a grand finale to this delightful evening. 

Special thanks to Hart Public Schools for letting the ESD use the gym, Chris Bosse for disc jockeying, and to the Hart Fire Department for their quick response, grace, and sense of humor.